(06-22) One of the very few lights shone on us from the pandemic is that a remote working model can be incredibly effective for both businesses and their employees. But what about a ‘Work From Anywhere’ model?

Numerous businesses around the globe have stuck with a hybrid model (at home/in office combination) – and it has worked a treat, so is it now time to extend this model further? The opportunities and benefits of a work from anywhere model are endless – to the extent where we question why was this idea overlooked so much before the pandemic changed the world?

Gone are the days when employees have to upheave their lives and relocate for work, the days when employers are limited to a small pool of local talent to bring into their business. Now, the world is available for everyone to tap into.

Instead, employees can now work from anywhere; the comfort of their homes, the relaxation of a coffee house, or the effective environment of the office – the choice is entirely theirs.

Why is this effective? Well, a happy employee is an effective employee – giving them the option of choosing their locale will make a great difference to their input on business proceedings and diversify the team.

This model also gives the option of company gatherings/training days to be utilised successfully. Instead of spending every day in the office, seeing the same faces and dragging your heels on the floor – you can make an event of it. Quarterly or monthly meetups of employees will not only contribute to team bonding and socialising, but will also retain the attention of many employees who wish to learn more about their role and how to develop effectively.

At Yaloya Club, we want to transform this model, expanding it to glorious locations for employees to work in – truly tapping into the meaning of ‘work from anywhere’.